1. Mandatory information about the Service Provider according to Section 5 para. 1 of the German Digtial Services Act (DDG):
Name: Henn GmbH
Legal Structure: Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung (limited liability company)
Address: Augustenstr. 54, 80333 Munich, Germany
Phone: +49 (0)89 52 35 7-0
Fax: +49 (0)89 52 35 7-123
Authorized representatives:
Managing directors:
- Tanja Dietsch, Architect, Nr. 183.238
- Marcus Fißan, Architect, Nr. 16071
- Martin Henn, Architect, Nr. 185565
- Stefan Sinning, Architect, Nr. 173791
- Werner Sonnleitner
Advisory board:
- Gunter Henn, Architect, Nr. 114618
Commercial Register / Court of Registry: Amtsgericht München (local district court Munich), HRB 80205
VAT ID number according to Sec. 27a of the German Value Added Tax Act: DE 129374064
Informationen about professional staff:
Legal professional title: „Architekt” (architect)
State in which the professional title was awarded: Germany
Relevant chamber and professional regulations for architects in Munich:
Bayerische Architektenkammer (Körperschaft des öffentlichen Rechts)
Waisenhausstraße 4
80637 Munich, Germany
Relevant professional regulations:
- Honorarordnung für Architekten und Ingenieure (HOAI)
- Baukammerngesetz
- Berufsordnung der Bayerischen Architektenkammer
(HOAI available under, further regulations available on the website of the relevant chamber (Bayerische Architektenkammer) under
Relevant chamber and professional regulations for architects in Berlin:
Architektenkammer Berlin (Körperschaft des öffentlichen Rechts)
Alte Jakobstraße 149
10969 Berlin, Germany
Relevant professional regulations:
- Honorarordnung für Architekten und Ingenieure (HOAI)
- Berliner Architekten- und Baukammergesetz (ABKG)
- Berufsordnung der Architektenkammer Berlin
(HOAI available under, further regulations available on the website of the relevant chamber (Architektenkammer Berlin) under
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Nina Helten
Henn GmbH
Alexanderstraße 7
10178 Berlin
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Technical advice and implementation (Drupal)
arocom GmbH
HG Esch, Xi Chen, Tadeusz Budinski, diephotodesiger, Steffen Michael Gross, Heinrich Heidersberger, Bartosz Kolonko, Knut O. Laubner, Bernhard Lehn, Simon Menges, Stefan Müller, Philipp Mürdter, Robert Rieger, Mark Seelen, Christoph Stepan, Heinz von Heydenaber, Studio Fang
Dog Ear Films
STS Schellnack Translation Service, Marc Selway, Steffen Walter
Concept and design
All rights reserved.
© Copyright 2025 Henn GmbH
Last modified: June 14, 2024