THE SOURCE wins ‘Global Human Settlements Award 2024’

THE SOURCE has received the ‘Global Human Settlements Award 2024’ in the Planning and Design category. Our concept design for the revitalization of the former Siemens high-rise in Munich envisages the preservation, modernization, and extension with two new energy-efficient buildings.
From the jury statement: “The renovation of an existing high-rise tower demonstrates a remarkable example of urban regeneration and circular economy. The project showcases significant energy conservation and emission reduction. Key strengths include a work-life blending concept and a human centric approach, integrating mixed-use functions and flex-work environment. The design features innovative elements, notably advanced energy efficiency technologies and multiple renewable energy sources, with a strong emphasis on nature and the environment.”
The ‘Global Human Settlements Award 2024’ is an annual worldwide prize initiated in 2005 by Global Forum on Human Settlements and supported by UNEP and other UN agencies. The awards program aims to accelerate the delivery of UN Sustainable Development Goals, recognize and celebrate winners’ remarkable progress in making cities and human settlements safer, greener, more resilient, inclusive and sustainable.