Two ground-breaking ceremonies and a topping-out: Pioneering progress in research and mobility

As the year draws to a close, we can look back on significant milestones in several projects: two groundbreaking ceremonies and a topping-out ceremony bring 2024 to an eventful close.
The Opticum research building in Hanover celebrated its topping-out ceremony on November 18. The new building will serve Leibniz Universität Hannover as an interdisciplinary center for optical technologies. Researchers from physics, mechanical engineering, computer science and other disciplines will collaborate here closely on innovative technologies. The architecture takes into account the highest standards of safety and precision while creating an inspiring environment for creative scientific work.
The ground-breaking ceremony for the new ICE plant in Dortmund took place on November 20. A state-of-the-art maintenance center for Deutsche Bahn will be built on the site of the former freight depot. The design of the maintenance hall enables efficient use of space and supports the maintenance of up to four ICE trains simultaneously. The project contributes to the sustainability and future viability of rail mobility.
On December 2, the foundation stone was laid for the Hugo Salomon Research Center and the Braak Research Center for Integrative Systems Medicine (ZISMed) on the Medical Campus in Kiel. The new building will house an interdisciplinary center for systems medicine and related disciplines. Researchers from medicine, biology, engineering and computer science will work together on innovative approaches for the medicine of the future. The design of ZISMed promotes exchange between scientists through flexible workspaces and spacious green areas. Completion is scheduled for 2027.